All Men Are Created Equal


All Men Are Created Equal

In the beginning when God created man it was so they could walk and talk together. There was only mankind, God’s creation of one until God created Eve (woman) out of Adam’s rib. There was no distinction or nationality among men. It was not until after the sinful fall of man who’s banishment from the Garden of Eden to populate the earth that God began creating ethnicity or races within mankind. When the Tower of Babel was being built God created languages to confuse man and cause the populating of the entire planet.

Over time man has sought to influence and control other men by any means available. We are at a point in time where men think like the Romans did and now we have convoluted the thought process by making “Being American” somehow elevated above being anyone else.

Isn’t that what religion does?

Do you know you can be proud to be an American and not be a US Citizen?

There are three main distinctions of Americans – North, Central and South Americans. Although comprised of many nations there is only one United States of America.

It is often and wrongly assumed that being called an American is referring exclusively to someone from the United States.

So why is it that we have allowed ourselves to be categorized into White-American, Black-American, Brown-American, Yellow-American, African-American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, Pacific Island-American, Puerto Rican-American, Anglo-American, European-American, Middle-Eastern-American, Alaskan-American, Native-American, etc. etc. etc.

In the United States we rally around and pledge allegiance to the Flag, yet balk at what we have been told it means or because some have said it is a racist flag. Men and women of many ethnicities, cultures and races have fought and died for and under the US Flag and for our freedom to honor it, yet we continue to bicker over nonsense.

The Flag of the United States should unite us identifiably as one people, one purpose and under one God to insure men and women remain free – from the womb to the tomb. – RTM

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