Simple Logic – Going to the Bank


Simple Logic – Going to the Bank

What are the most common reasons for going to the bank (any bank)?

Access your account (deposits and withdrawals; loans; safety deposit box)


Going to work at the bank

Bring business supplies

To rob the bank (access funds that are not your own)

If during your visit there is a robbery, are all patrons, customers or people inside the bank automatically rounded up, arrested and charged with bank robbery?

No, that would be ludicrous right?

So tell me that in Minneapolis when Black Lives Matter took to the streets in protest to the death of George Floyd and they were joined by Antifa among other domestic terrorist groups and individuals who was held responsible, rounded up, arrested and charged with rioting, looting, maiming and death?

But on January 6th, 2021 during and after the MAGA rally by President Trump in DC infiltrators (domestic terrorists some wearing MAGA gear and with MAGA flags) were escorted into the Capital Building to disrupt the proceedings of a joint session of Congress yet everyone identifiable were hunted down, rounded up, arrested and held indefinitely and many without charges are still being held in a DC prison.

This goes hand in glove with the frivolous charges and Lawfare being waged on President Trump entirely for political purposes and aimed at preventing Trump from defending himself and/or campaigning against President Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential Election.

Are these not clear instances of how political dictators operate in third world countries? Yet we are being told that if elected President Trump will become a dictator exacting revenge on his political enemies?

I am not a political scholar, a legal expert or a have a degree in Constitutional Law, but one thing I do know is that the way to fight racism, extremism and political retribution is to place our trust in God not man, stand up as Americans and voice to our political legislators, governors, mayors and elected officials that we are sick and tired of being pushed around and marginalized for our votes.

I urge everyone to use the ballot box and the power of one vote to elect only those who have the same concerns as you about National Security (close the border), the Economy (reduce government regulations and edicts), Foreign Policy (strong military) and shrinking the national debt (stop frivolous spending) hold elected officials accountable.

A strong America stands together against aggression, persecution and political perversion. – RTM

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