Hypocritical Thinking


Hypocritical Thinking

For years we’ve heard about racial profiling, discrimination in the workplace and social injustice of disadvantaged minorities and we have state and federal laws on the books outlawing that behavior virtually everywhere in America.

But what’s going on with political profiling with government going after American citizens because their political party’s agenda of making America better has been declared a threat to democracy which reminds me of the Will Smith movie Enemy of the State.

As a nation we condone and have conducted regime change in other countries when it suits our nation’s agenda.

But what prevents turning covert assets and sworn law enforcement agents against American citizens?

Short Answer – The Constitution of the United States of America!

The predominant crisis in America today is of our own making as we allow people, political parties or the law enforcement (DOJ) agencies of government to ignore the laws of the land by violating the civil and constitutional rights of citizens and without consequence.

Furthermore we allow social media, mainstream media and the opinions of elected officials to form OUR opinions on everything while we believe conjecture and lies before acting on them feeding into the narrative we have been led to believe.

Everyone was created by God with a brain and the ability to reason through difficult situations by knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Politicians tend to raise the lid by selectively pander to people by race, ethnic, economic and even non-voting non-citizens in their effort to gain the trust and vote of these select people, yet insuring they maintain a position of power over people.

While a true leader with raise the entire boat (nation) benefitting ALL citizens Irregardless of political persuasion.

As you run to the polls, cast your vote wisely grasshopper! – RTM

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