The International Criminal Court and Crimes Against Humanity


The International Criminal Court and Crimes Against Humanity

Is it not surprising what triggers legal “experts” into action?

I mean the bible warns us not to be worried when we hear of wars and rumors of wars for they too must pass and yet the end of time is not yet.

While men go to war over seemingly trivial nonsense without rhyme or reason and literally millions are left dead, dying or maimed the real tragedy is ignored by the international community altogether.

In the news is the I.C.C. requesting arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas for crimes against humanity for actions in Gaza. Israel is still under an unprovoked attack, battling world opinion and terrorists for defending itself against Hamas, while defending the people inhabiting Gaza from being brutalized by Hamas and now the I.C.C.

In 2002 the International Criminal Court was formed to prosecute men who perpetuate war or so called Crimes Against Humanity. The ICC is nothing more than a paper tiger a ferocious beast without teeth, claws or the means to carry out their agenda of giving voice to victims and bringing the offenders to justice.

Slogans are nice and they sometimes cause people to take a bite out of the apple while it is still attached to the tree, but Black Lives Matter – Stop Hate – Stop Racism – A Woman’s Right to Choose and a whole lot more don’t actually mean what they say but are nothing more than talking points to divert attention away from the real crime against humanity – ABORTION.

It’s so sad that and would be laughable were it not for the millions of lives lost to inconvenience, greed or any excuse that legitimizes ABORTION for any reason.

If there is anything so precious as a human life why are we not shouting from the rooftops declaring an end to this sacrifice to the god of greed?

The life of every baby does not simply begin in the womb, but with breath from Almighty God and each one has a specific purpose in life. So when you see, hear, read or think about a baby lost by ABORTION, let it rip a hole in your heart so big that compassion, understanding and love of each and every life demands this practice to cease – immediately and in every nation, tribe or community across the globe.

ABORTION is a pandemic far worse that all the plagues that have attacked mankind since Eve in the garden. – RTM

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