Peace and Smiles


Peace and Smiles

Fridays are days when you anticipate the weekend and need a stress relief. I got mine this morning at the gym where there are television monitors tuned to CNN, FOX a local station and sports stations.

While on the treadmill I often try to distract myself from the not so new or breaking news stories which are politically dependent upon current events – unless it’s an attention grabber like Comedians Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and more comedians meet Pope Francis at ‘the butt crack of dawn’ in their ill-fated attempt to spread peace and smiles. Why not take peace and smiles to Gaza?

The not so in your face headline is that President Biden is going to meet privately with Pope Francis during the first ever papal address to the G7 conference in Italy.

I’m compelled to ask the hard questions:

Did these comedians fly on their own dimes, hitch a ride on Air Force One or simply happen to be there?

Did the topics of abortion, human trafficking, illegal immigration or Donald Trump come up?

Or did they seek absolution for their conduct, speech and/or spreading hatred and lies before and during this US Presidential Election cycle? – RTM

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