Smoke and Mirrors


Smoke and Mirrors

Who believes for a second that the criminal justice system in New York State is blind? Even if the entire state calls itself a sanctuary state, where is the sanctuary when you are running for the highest office in the land – again and are being viciously attacked by the political left?

There appears to be collusion between the courts and office of the NY Attorney General.

Prove me wrong!

Have you gone to a state or county fair where there is a house of mirrors distorted to make you look fat, skinny, tall or short? They are arranged to distort your sense of what is real and what is not. As you come out laughing and joking with family or friends and look around you realize that it was all an illusion.

New York has become that illusion.

Among the hard working men and women of New York there are homeless, illegals, down and outers sleeping on the streets, while politicians pander for votes while ignoring the obvious and telling us that it’s alright because I’m from the government and I’m here to help [myself].

What if, New York’s big money businesses, corporations, Wall Street, and international agencies and institutions were to see the writing on the wall and decide to get out before they become the next target of the leftist madness?

Where would that leave the working class American families? Hotels, restaurants, penthouse employers and retail stores picking up and leaving for safer harbors would affect millions of New Yorkers who would only have their politicians telling them it’s alright, it’s okay – remember me?

I’m sorry but all too many times politicians can’t see outside their sphere of influence or circle of friends who swoon over their every word. They have little or no life experience after college, university or law school and think that taking life by the horns is like grabbing ahold of a running bull in Spain.

More often than not that running bull is going to pivot on a stick and come right back to bite them.

Life is like that. – RTM

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