How Big is God?


How Big is God?

I mean there is a song we sang in church as kids, “He’s got the whole world in his hands”, but that is really hard to imagine, but have you ever tried? If there is a God and I believe there is, and if he created the whole world, and I believe he did, and if he created the stars, planets and galaxies, and I believe he did, then you big would he have to be to hold all creation in the palm of his hand?

That being the case one human life is a microcosm, a fraction of a spec on a planet that is part of a galaxy in a universe we have yet to explore, let alone begin to number – way more than the sands on the sea shore. Wrap your head around that?

How is a God so obviously huge able to connect with and get into the heart of a simple man like me? More importantly how do I get the attention of the creator of all creation? I don’t know about you but it’s a miracle to know that the Creator God loves all of his creation equally and without favoring one over another. It is more than miraculous that the same Creator God knows the hairs on my body, the number of heartbeats I will have and whether or not I will have another breath of air.

Want to know how big God is? He is big enough to send his only Begotten Son Jesus to live as a man and die on the cross at Calvary for a sinner such as I. When Jesus said “It is finished” and took his last breath he was talking to you and to me.

It is better that one man “Jesus” lay down his life on the cross so that all who believe in him would have a way to God the Father who is in heaven. In 3 short years Jesus healed the sick and the lame, the blind and the deaf and made the mute to speak; he raised the dead and turned the hearts of men to God; he said and did what he saw his Father do in heaven and now sits at the right hand of God and resides in my heart at the same time.

How big is God? God is bigger than all my problems, any situation that may arise and ready to give eternal life in heaven for all who believe.

Is God big enough for you? – RTM

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