Random Spontaneous and Mostly Peaceful


Random Spontaneous and Mostly Peaceful

While watching news footage during the beginning of these universities and college campuses beginning in New York and spreading throughout other campuses across the nation I have to wonder about their “spontaneousness”. I mean there are brightly colored tents set up everywhere. That means these are pre-planned and not spontaneous at all. When I listen to their chanting, there is one person using their cell phone to lead the chant. I also notice that other members of the “protest” group also have their cell phones out, so that leads me to believe it’s being controlled from somewhere else.

What I mean is when classmates want to protest or give voice to a particular grievance of campus policy, they decide to assemble and tell their side of the issue as they see it, right? In doing so they should at least have recommendations for remedying the situation shouldn’t they?

When these protests begin to appear on other campuses in other states, the scene is repeated ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME. There are tents everywhere on campus, people are chanting or yelling and in many cases students are being verbally and physically assaulted and chased across the campus because of their race/religion and that my friends is AGAINST THE LAW.        

How hard is it to follow the lead of the DC Mayor who shut off cell towers during January 6th to prevent MAGA folks from using their cell phones?

What about holding these protesters accountable for their actions? If they are students of the school, terminate their studenthood, if they are migrants, deport them and if they are violent and refuse to follow the commands from law enforcement, arrest them.

But there has to be more. The New York DA’s must go after these rioters with the same energy that Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has gone after President Trump – and show no mercy or signs of letting up and especially if someone has been fearful for their life, hurt or killed – prosecute the responsible parties to the fullest extent of the law, including their associates, allies and pay particular attention to where the money is coming from and then cut off the funds and the funding sources.

spontaneous /spŏn-tā′nē-əs/


Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated.

“a microorganism capable of spontaneous movement.”

Arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from forethought or prompting.

“spontaneous laughter; a spontaneous protest.”

Unconstrained and unstudied in manner or behavior.

“a spontaneous personality.”

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

To be clear these protests are carefully thought out, communicated to others and the protesters are being transported, fed and housed by parties yet to be disclosed and are not protected free speech under the constitution. These mostly peaceful protests incite people to act like animals, rioting, threatening, and/or assaulting others leading to lawlessness. Allowing this behavior to continue is criminal and everyone knows criminals need to be held accountable. Officials who cannot restore order should not remain in their elected, appointed or paid positions – at any level. – RTM

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