DOJ Raid on Mar-a-Lago


DOJ Raid on Mar-a-Lago

It has recently come to light through a journalistic investigation that there is more story behind the story to the raid to seize classified documents from former President Donald Trump’s estate at Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Instead of making a phone call or sending a team to recover said classified document which could have accomplished the same task, the Biden DOJ sent an armed Task Force to raid the estate, rifle through drawers, rooms and elsewhere in order to seize classified and other documents. What was not released was that the Task Force personnel were to be in civilian clothing and police clothing and/markings were not to be openly displayed.

The fact that armed people storming the estate could have presented even more serious problems because the raid had been authorized the use of deadly force if necessary. The FBI director stated that everything was done using normal FBI procedures.

No harm, no foul, Right?

Not so fast……..The raid was not a normal procedure. In fact, raiding the home of the former president to seize classified documents with fully armed law enforcement personnel with orders to shoot to kill if necessary is not normal, nor was it necessary.

Remember the DOJ have members of the Protective Services Branch of the Secret Service, who are also armed and charged with protecting the entire protectee family. What could have happened had they felt that unknown armed civilians were breaching the estate intent on harming former President Trump or his family and they put up an armed resistance or open fired? How many potential victims would have been caught in the ensuing crossfire?

Nobody is above the law!

Now think of the response or lack of it after it was reported that President Biden has been and is still holding unauthorized classified documents in the garage of his Delaware home and other locations throughout his entire “career” in the senate and as Vice President.

Where is SWAT in this matter?

It is obvious to me that beginning within the Clinton, Obama and Biden Administrations the DOJ, Homeland Security and the US Attorney General’s office’s upper level management personnel and administrative staff have become weaponized against American Citizens, especially those who are concerned with protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America or the values of a Constitutional-Republic that has withstood the test of time for more than 240 years.

If you are an America Citizen you are at risk. If you value the Constitutional rights and values of the American Dream you are at risk. If you wonder how all this could be happening in the home of the brave or the land of the free – you are at risk. If you stand for law and order – you are at risk. If you stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way – you are at risk. If God is your God – His ways are faithful and true – you are at risk.

Remember Roger Stone, frail looking, senior citizen, rousted out of his house wearing pajamas and in handcuffs by armed FBI agents? What was his crime – being Trump’s friend and advisor, who wrote a book “The Making of a President” = about Donald Trump’s entry into politics.

Remember the Hunter Biden laptop? Hard drive physically handed over to the FBI and who got the hot seat over it – the computer repair shop owner. Did Hunter get his own “bracelets”?

If you stay home on Election Day and do not exercise your vote for candidates with the same values as you, or you decide to vote party line because that’s how you’ve always done it – you are at fault! – RTM

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