The Divided States of America: the Red, Black and Blue


The Divided States of America – the Red, Black and Blue

Like never before in the history of our nation have the people of this country become so divided that unity is no longer expected or tolerated. Prior to the war of Independence the colonists were divided about separating from the Crown or charting their own course. During the Civil War between the north and the south it was families who were divided – either Blue or Gray. While a lot has changed over the years the one thing that has not changed has simply become louder and loud enough to drown out the voice of reason is hate. Instead of learning to get along, we have learned how to hate with intensity such as the world has never seen.

Why could we not learn from history?

After the Civil War there were raiders wearing white sheets wreaking havoc across the south, causing fear and trembling as they began lynching by the color of one’s skin.

As our nation expanded westward and grew from sea to shining sea this great land became “civilized” according to American standards and nobody was exempt. It was change or die.

Through two world wars American’s fought and died to bring peace to a world at war and freedom to people under siege from savage dictatorships. We spurred a period of regrowth and technological advancement to those who had been our enemies.

In today’s age of enlightenment we have become a nation of Red and Blue states, where political ideology has taken preference over common sense. With live reporting, the internet and social media we have allowed ourselves to be swayed like a tree in the wind. We have no roots, except what the political talking heads say we have (truth has no bearing).

The political party which spawned the KKK now directs and expects people of color to vote straight party line or be shamed into submission. The political party of Lincoln has become worse than a paper tiger, high on protocol and low on ethical standards.

Have we forgotten the lessons of the past, or are we content to change the past into something we feel is more pleasant?

The Constitution of the United States of America is the rule of law to protect US Citizens from an out of control government. The Constitution is the bedrock upon which our nation bases its ethical standards and is based upon the biblical standards of God, where everyone is created equal by our creator (not government or social media) and the purpose of government is to serve and protect the American people from exterior and interior threats.

Old Glory is the Red, White and Blue, not the Red Black and Blue that comes from struggling with each other and fighting among ourselves.

Patriotism is truly American, standing for the Flag, pledging allegiance to the Flag and protecting the Constitution from all attacks, foreign and domestic – so help us God!

When law makers in Congress decide that revoking or changing a law is just too much, but condone ignoring laws that make our nation less safe, they have in fact become law breakers and must be held accountable by their constituents who voted them into office. – RTM

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